Delicate situations

The folds of the photographs transform the Parisian landscape. In a staging between comedy and drama, the manipulated images freeze a moment when everything wavers and can be destroyed. Will the Pont-Neuf collapse, taking the two characters with it? Eternal suspense!

2011 – 8 pictures

Sur l'escalier du parc Montsouris

On the Montsouris Park steps

La rue étroite à St Michel

The Narrow Street in Saint-Michel

Sous le balcon du quai Voltaire

Under the Balcony of the Quai Voltaire

A St Germain

In Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Sur le banc au parc du Luxembourg

On the Bench in Luxembourg Park

Sur le pont de Notre-Dame

On the Notre-Dame Cathedral Bridge

Sur les pavés à Montparnasse

On the Pavement at Montparnasse

Sur les quais de la Seine

On the Quays of the Seine